Service Workers在很多方面都表现的很好,无论是速度、离线、缓存操作等等。如果你对此感兴趣的话,你可以在Service Worker Cookbook上看到大量的Service Worker用例。其中, Immediate Claim所提供的用例是十分重要的,因为他提供了一种方法让你的Service Worker运行的更快,这意味着假如有问题发生,你也能更快知道。
以下的代码相比于以往的加载事件,能够加快DOMContentLoaded的速度,通常我们称之为domready,从而加快了处理启动的速率。这个诀窍涉及到了service worker的安装和激活事件:
// Install event - cache files (...or not)
// 安装事件——缓存文件(可选)
// Be sure to call skipWaiting()!
// 切记要调用skipWaiting()
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
event.waitUntil('my-cache').then(function(cache) {
// Important to `return` the promise here to have `skipWaiting()`
// 切记在此返回promise以便于调用skipWainting
// fire after the cache has been updated.
// 在缓存更新后触发
return cache.addAll([/* file1.jpg, file2.png, ... */]);
}).then(function() {
// `skipWaiting()` forces the waiting ServiceWorker to become the
// active ServiceWorker, triggering the `onactivate` event.
// Together with `Clients.claim()` this allows a worker to take effect
// immediately in the client(s).
// skipWating()促使等待中的ServiceWorker被激活,触发'onactivat'事件
// 和clients.claim()一起运用能够让ServiceWorker在客户端马上生效
return self.skipWaiting();
// Activate event
// Be sure to call self.clients.claim()
// 激活事件,确保调用 self.clients.claim()
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
// `claim()` sets this worker as the active worker for all clients that
// match the workers scope and triggers an `oncontrollerchange` event for
// the clients.
// ‘claim()’将worker激活,让所有符合这个worker域的客户触发'oncontrollerchange'事件
return self.clients.claim();