Life of Web Page

Pages, Frames, and Documents

Lifecycle of a Frame

Committed is the quiescent state
How the Loader Works (Idealized)

How the HTML Parser Works

Preload Scanning for Fun and Profit

Script execution can change the input stream
Preload scanner tokenizes ahead
- When parser is blocked on external scripts
- Starts resource loads earlier

XSSAuditor examines token stream
Looks for scripts that were also in the request
- Assumes those scripts were reflected XSS
- Blocks them
DOM + CSS → Render Tree

Anonymous RenderObjects

- Not every RenderObject has a DOM Node
- Every RenderBlock either:
- Has all inline children
- Has no inline children

- Sparse representation of RenderTree
- Enables accelerated compositing, scrolling
Yet Another Tree: LineBoxTree

- One RootInlineBox per line of text
- List of inline flow and inline text boxes
- WebCore's main processing pipeline:
- Loader and Parser
- CSS, DOM, and Script
- RenderTree, LayerTree, and InlineBoxes
- Other major subsystems
- Accessibility, Editing, Events, CSS, Web Inspector
- Plugins, SVG, MathML, XSLT...
- Other components
- WebKit, Bindings, Platform, JavaScriptCore, WTF
- ... 1.5 MLOC of C++
- Learn more:
